Parents Association
The NPS Parents Association is one of the easiest clubs to join - YOU'RE ALREADY IN! - Youlee Nishimura, NPS PA President 2024-2025
Community is the buzzword most often associated with NPS and the PA is at the heart of it. When you volunteer at NPS you will meet more families, create lasting relationships and, most importantly, help our wonderful community.
Elementary school is the time in your child’s life when they are so happy to see you at school so we encourage - and welcome! - your participation.
Room Parents
Each grade has two room parents who will coordinate a parent party for the grade at the beginning of the school, organize a Faculty Appreciation Luncheon, and coordinate field trip chaperones and classroom helpers as needed by your teachers.
Monthly PA Meetings
All parents are invited and encouraged to attend our monthly PA meetings. Head of School Malcolm Lester shares an update at each meeting, and there are also presentations from members of our faculty and staff including our division directors, counselors, learning specialists and chaplain.
Sunset with Santa
One of the School’s signature events, Sunset with Santa occurs in early December. The event includes an opportunity to take photos with Santa, as well as a Secret Santa Shop where children can purchase gifts for their family. At this event, NPS also collects non-perishable items for the Greg Gannon Canned Food Drive.
Spring Festival
This fun-filled fair has activities for all ages including inflatables, face painting, and carnival games and prizes.
Field Day
A favorite tradition of good-spirited “Red vs. White” competition, Field Day is held each spring. For this event, the PA provides t-shirts for students and staff, and Field Day volunteers help coordinate snacks and water during the event.
Service Saturdays
Throughout the school year, NPS gathers on Saturday mornings to make sandwiches for Martha’s Table.
Faculty Appreciation Lunches
On certain Noon Dismissal Fridays, the parents of designated grades provide lunch for the faculty and staff. This is a beloved and much appreciated acknowledgement of NPS's faculty and staff. Supported by the PA budget, parents bring in additional items such as salads, desserts and drinks and assist with setup and cleanup.
New Family Welcome
In the spring, current families serve as Welcome Volunteers for new families. They organize grade-wide playground gatherings during the summer, include new families in team sports registrations, and serve as a resources for new parents.
Current Parents
Visit the Parents Association section on CardinalNet for the PA meeting schedule, PA contact information, upcoming volunteer opportunities, and Frequently Asked Questions.