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Core Values

Older girl helping younger girl hula hoop

National Presbyterian School nurtures each child’s sense of self and promotes a life-long love of learning so that its graduates can enrich their communities and the world.

The school embraces and seeks to instill in its students five Core Values of

Love, Respect, Responsibility, Honesty and Safety.


Love is the first Core Value intentionally, as it is at the the heart of our school community. Love is treating others the way we wish to be treated. We show love by caring for one another, our school, and the world around us. We embody love by living out all of the NPS Core Values.


We show respect in the way we treat others. Respect is visible in simple acts such as saying “please” and “thank you” and holding the door for others. We demonstrate respect by learning about the world around us, including the different family structures and heritage in our school community as well as beyond.  


Recycled paper Collage of hands helping the earth

We show responsibility by doing what we know to be right and being accountable for our actions. We show responsibility by thinking of what others need and what we can do to help. We are responsible for our friends by being kind, supportive, and empathetic to them.


Boy working on ipad and smiling up

We show honesty by telling the truth and seeking the truth, even when it’s difficult. We show honesty by keeping our promises, being a trustworthy friend, and being held accountable. We show honesty in our work and we demonstrate our thinking. We learn how to assess honesty in the world around us, as well as how to critically analyze history and resources for truth.


A boy wearing safety goggles and construction helmet

We show physical and emotional safety for ourselves and others. We show safety through simple acts such as tying our shoelaces and following playground rules, as well as by sharing our perspectives and allowing others to share theirs. We create a safe environment in which students may take risks, make mistakes, and learn from them.

How does NPS teach the Core Values?

two students working together in class

The Arts

Art class provides many opportunities for students to visually represent our Core Values through different projects and media. 

Additionally, students must show respect to one another as their classmates take creative risks as well as responsibility when working on collaborative projects. 

three students with lab notebooks smiiling at one another

Social Emotional Learning

As NPS counselors say, our Social Emotional Learning curriculum is where we "operationalize" our Core Values. Students learn how to recognize feelings in others, respect one another's identities, and disagree respectfully.

a student alcolyte putting out a candle in chapel


Through Bible stories and Chapel talks, students learn lessons in how they might embody the Core Values, especially love. Chapel offers an opportunity to practice being quiet and respectful. First and Sixth Grade Chapel leaders relish being responsible for lighting candles, greeting their classmates, and reading Bible verses in their Chapel services. Students learn respect for the holidays, beliefs and traditions, beyond those of Christianity, that are also represented in Chapel talks.

three girls of different ages smiling with arms around one another

Buddies & Mentors

Becoming a big buddy instills responsibility in Third Grade students, who have been the younger buddy up to that point. Students learn that their younger friend looks up to them and that they set an example at all times, whether in the classroom, hallways or at recess.

a boy in class watering a flower

Presentation & Leadership Experience

Core Values are woven throughout the day and across subjects. In a simple science lesson about how plants grow, students learn responsibility by caring for living things and how they can be good stewards of our earth.

head of school shaking a student's hand

Head of School Handshake

The Morning Handshake is more than a lesson in firm grip! At NPS we aim to model love and respect by greeting each child by name as they enter school each day.