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Our Mission

Children playing on playground

At National Presbyterian School,
we focus on the foundational decade of childhood
to launch lives of purpose and compassion.- Mission Statement written and approved by the NPS Board of Trustees in 2020

At National Presbyterian School

NPS was founded in 1969 as an educational mission of the National Presbyterian Church. This long history and rich partnership have enriched our school's program and community through shared facilities, collaborative programming, and the spiritual foundations of our organizations.

we focus on

This speaks to the intentionality and pedagogical excellence in all that we do at NPS. Every decision - whether about curriculum, daily schedule, classroom resources, or professional development priorities - is made with this age group in mind.

the foundational

The years of childhood - ages 3 to 12 – are the time to lay the foundation for the best long-term academic and social-emotional outcomes. Developing foundational skills and attributes - such as critical thinking, cognitive flexibility, empathy, risk-taking, and ethical thinking - prepares our graduates for whatever path they take after NPS.

Girl skipping in front of school building
Little girl pretending to be a butterfly and sip nectar from flowers

decade of childhood

This phrase is uniquely NPS. We honor childhood and celebrate this unique time of life. We don't thwart growth and the transition to adolescence; rather we resist societal pressure to rush children into growing up. These are precious, formative years that you can't have back once they have passed.

to launch

With developmentally appropriate preparation, children begin the next phase of their lives with confidence and excitement for the opportunities to come.

lives of purpose

We nurture in our students aspirations to pursue the things they love and find meaning in their actions and contributions.

and compassion.

We inspire children to think of and serve others by embodying our Core Values, with emphasis on Love in its fullest meaning.