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Third Grade

Students are eager to enter Third Grade as they will become big buddies this year. Students are ready to take on the responsibility of being a caring role model and friend to their Pre-Kindergarten 4 buddy.

NPS third graders at Comfort Cases after completing service learning work making backpacks for children going into foster care
Other highlights include taking specialized science classes, playing the soprano recorder in music class, and taking several field trips, including to the National Museum of the American Indian and Historic St. Mary’s City. 
girls working on a math project


  • Place value to the ten thousands
  • Multi-digit addition and subtraction
  • Multiplication and division facts and concepts
  • Interpret data using maximum, minimum, and range
  • 2D geometry and measurement
  • Introduction of fraction concepts
boy sharing his story to the class


  • Reading Workshop: mysteries, non-fiction, character studies, research clubs
  • Story elements and character analysis
  • Comprehension strategy instruction
  • Reader’s Theater
Boy writing

Language Arts

  • Writing Workshop: personal narratives, informational writing, persuasive writing
  • Letter and journal writing
  • Mastery of the sentence: punctuation and capitalization, fragments and run-ons, types of sentences
  • Word Study
  • Introduction to cursive handwriting

Social and Global Studies

  • Native Americans 
  • Early settlements: Roanoke, Jamestown, Plymouth, and first 13 American colonies
  • Map skills
  • Research skills
Girl working on a Science Project


  • Water and Climate
  • Measurement and Sound
  • Structures of Life


  • Four nights a week: up to 30 minutes
  • Independent reading
Girls on a Field Trip


  • Pre-Kindergarten 4 buddies
  • Native American Independent Learning Day
  • Playing the soprano recorder
  • First science classes in the NPS Science Lab
  • Service Learning Partnership with Comfort Cases
  • Field trips to National Museum of the American Indian and Historic St. Mary’s City,
  • Specials: Art, Drama, Library, Music, PE, Religion, Science, Spanish, Technology