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Chapel & Religious Studies

All students at National Presbyterian School participate in weekly Chapel, a time to nurture the community’s spiritual life through Scripture lessons, music and prayer.

Chapels reinforce the School’s Core Values and belief in a Judeo-Christian system of values, including love for God, for neighbor and self, and respect for other faith traditions.
Lower Division students attend Chapel service in Jones Hall, while Upper Division students attend Chapel in the National Presbyterian Church’s Chapel of the Presidents. The oldest students in each service—Second Graders and Sixth Graders—serve in several different leadership roles such as greeters, readers and acolytes. In addition, the Chaplain, faculty, NPC pastors, and guests deliver Chapel talks.

All students are invited to contribute to the Prayers of the People. The entire school community gathers for special services for Opening Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas and Graduation in the Sanctuary of the National Presbyterian Church. 

The Religious Studies curriculum begins in Second Grade and encourages each student’s spiritual growth while providing a foundation of Biblical and religious literacy. Built on a Christian foundation, Religious Studies classes provide a welcoming and safe environment for students of all religious backgrounds to learn and grow. Through intentional incorporation of the Core Values and themes from Chapel, classes foster a loving environment for children to learn about God and listen to each other’s beliefs, practices and questions. Attention is paid to connecting the students’ experiences in Chapel and class to their decision-making and sense of themselves.
NPS students excel at:
  • Connecting the Core Values to lessons in Scripture
  • Actively and respectfully participating in Chapel worship services
  • Respecting the diversity of religious faith and practice within the Christian tradition and many other faiths
  • Connecting lessons from scripture to everyday decision-making
  • Actively listening to the ideas, beliefs, and questions of their peers
  • Engaging with Bible stories through skits, songs, art, videos, and class discussion