Pre-K 3 & Pre-K 4: What You Need to Know
We hope you find this information answers your questions. If you have further questions, please contact Jessie Grees, Director of the Lower Division.
- The First Day of School
- Teacher Communication
- The Basics: Food, Nap & Bathroom
- After 3 Club (A3C) Logistics
The First Day of School
What does my child need on the first day of school?
Please pack the following for your child:
1. A complete change of clothes in a large zip lock plastic bag, labeled with your child’s name
2. A small blanket, bath towel, or nap mat and small soft toy or lovey for rest time, small enough for your child to store in a cubby or locker
3. Clothing should be appropriate for school and manageable for young hands. Pants should be easy to pull up and down. Shoes need to be easy to put on and allow children to move in the assortment of activities throughout the day including PE and recess. Velcro sneakers are a great choice, but Crocs or open toe sandals are not. Finally, clothing will come home messy from time to time after outdoor play and hands-on projects, so please choose accordingly, and remember that this is a good thing!
An NPS-provided school bag will be distributed on the first day of school to carry items to and from school. Please use this bag daily, rather than a bag or backpack from home. Please check this bag regularly for items returned home requiring cleaning and/or replacement.
Teacher Communication
I would like to meet my child’s teacher before school starts. May I schedule a conference?
Yes! You will receive an email approximately one week before school starts with information about accessing your child’s class placement and scheduling a brief conference around the first day of school.
How will I know how my child is doing?
Families coming from a daycare situation prior to NPS may be used to daily reports from their child’s teachers. However, now that your child is in “big school,” you should expect to learn about your child’s progress via report cards, emailed in early February and June, and Parent-Teacher conferences, which are offered before school starts and in the fall and spring. Teachers will send weekly classroom updates by email and regularly upload photos to Vidigami, our secure photo sharing service (instructions for account setup for new families are sent over the summer).
Teachers are always happy to answer questions and discuss any concerns you may have about your child. Parents are welcome and encouraged to call or email a teacher to arrange a mutually convenient time to talk. Drop-off and carpool are difficult times for teachers to speak with parents about substantive issues.
The Basics: Food, Nap & Bathroom
What should I pack for lunch? Are there restrictions?
If your child is especially particular or has food allergies, we suggest you pack a lunch for your child. Lunches are stored in students’ cubbies or lockers, so parents should plan lunches that do not require refrigeration. We do not have a microwave in the classroom, so lunches cannot be heated. Please keep in mind that your child’s teacher may request that you try to avoid certain foods, such as nuts, if one of your child’s classmates has a severe food allergy. Lunches should be easy for small hands to manage and eat, as we aim to foster independence and autonomy.
Who helps my child get School Lunch?
Lunches for Pre-Kindergarten 3 and Pre-Kindergarten 4 children are assembled by school staff members and brought to the classrooms, with an effort made to select healthy options that will appeal to young (and particular!) taste buds.
How will I know if my child ate lunch?
Typically, your child’s teachers will return uneaten food to the lunch box so that you can see how much was eaten at the end of the day. If you are signed up for the Lunch Program, it is more difficult to get daily feedback on what your child ate. That said, if there is a concern, your child's teacher will let you know.
What if my child has food allergies?
You will need to notify the school nurse of any allergies your child may have on the Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Action Care Plan available via Magnus Health. Instructions and deadlines for these forms are sent mid-summer. You may be asked to provide appropriate food substitutes for snack time if necessary. If your child brings in a food item which may cause an allergic reaction in another child, the teachers will take necessary measures to prevent exposure. Parent meetings at the beginning of the school year are a good opportunity to discuss allergy concerns with teachers and the nurse.
Do I need to provide a morning or afternoon snack?
No, NPS will provide a snack mid-morning each day. Children whose allergies may not allow them to partake in the provided snack may bring a supply of their own snacks to be stored in the classroom.
How long will my child rest in the afternoon?
Pre-Kindergarten 3 rest time is from 1:00 to 2:00 pm, while Pre-Kindergarten 4 rest time is from 1:30 to 2:00 pm. Some students fall asleep while others rest quietly.
For rest time, you will be asked to provide a small blanket, bath towel, or nap mat and a small soft toy or lovey, small enough to fit in your child’s cubby or locker. Teachers will send these rest time items home in your child’s red bag on Fridays so that they may be washed and returned to school on Monday.
What if my child doesn’t want to sleep during rest time?
Rest time is important for our youngest students to rest their bodies and minds. Children lie down on their blanket or towel with a lovey, and they may listen to soft music or audiobooks played for the entire class. If needed, teachers may allow children to look through books during rest.
Must my child be potty trained by the first day of school?
All NPS students must be potty trained. We are not equipped to work with diapers, pull-ups, or frequent accidents, therefore no exceptions can be made. If your child is not quite there, there’s still time!
What if my child has a bathroom accident at school?
Do not worry! Pre-Kindergarten 3 teachers have built into the schedule regular bathroom breaks for all children, and while Pre-Kindergarten 4 students do not have structured bathroom breaks, they may visit the bathroom at any time they need. Even so, every so often, children may have accidents at school. The extra change of clothes that you send on the first day is there for this very situation. If a child has repeated accidents, the teachers may ask you to keep your child at home until she/he is re-potty trained. This is for the benefit of your child as well as the class.
What if my child needs help in the bathroom?
Children must not only be potty-trained, but also independent in the bathroom. Students must be able to clean themselves on their own after using the toilet. Teachers will assist students in the event of an accident or illness.
How do I pick up my child at the end of the school day?
For Pre-Kindergarten 3 and Pre-Kindergarten 4 students who depart at noon, parents and guardians line up in their cars in front of the school with the family’s carpool number displayed in the upper right hand corner of the windshield. A teacher will bring your child/children to the car. Occasionally, all students are dismissed at noon on Fridays in which case, all students follow regular dismissal procedures. These days are noted on the school calendar. Faculty and staff loading children in the cars will offer assistance with car seats that the adult in the car needs to either affirm or decline.
For more information about drop off and pick up click here.
After 3 Club (A3C) Logistics
How does my child get to the After 3 Club at dismissal time?
At dismissal, an A3C staff member will pick up Pre-Kindergarten 3 and Pre-Kindergarten 4 children from their classroom and walk them to the A3C location.
How do I pick up my child from After 3 Club?
Park your car in an approved space in the NPC parking lot and walk to the main school entrance. Ring the doorbell and an A3C staff member will buzz you in. At the front desk, sign your name and your child will be brought to you.
Do I need to pack a snack for After 3 Club?
No, NPS offers a snack during After 3 Club, similar to the snack offered during the school day. For those children with allergies, parents may send a supply of safe snacks to be stored for use during After 3 Club.
How many other children will be in After 3 Club with my child?
Pre-Kindergarten 3 and Pre-Kindergarten 4 students are assigned to their own group and space during After 3 Club hours. The number of children in this group will range anywhere between 15 to 18 children.
I have more questions about After 3 Club and After School Programs.
Caitlin Webster, our Director of Auxiliary Programs, is happy to answer any additional questions you may have. You may contact her at or 202-537-7579.